New Lifespirit
This emergency project is a married couple living near Banan. The husband, 49 years old, lost his left foot in a landmine accident in 1985. The wife is 70 years old, has knee problems and suffers from severe malnutrition. The high age and the malnutrition lead to the fact that her everyday tasks are difficult and she feels permanently weak.
The couple has eight children. Five of the eight children are married and do not contribute to the livelihood or care of their parents. The other three children take care of themselves, but work in Phnom Penh. Visits are rare because a bus trip is unaffordable and time consuming. One of the sons works in construction. A daughter living in Phnom Penh and her husband are employed in a textile factory. This daughter cares for her brother, who also lives in Phnom Penh, as he has leukaemia and is in need of care. Since then, this subsidiary has only been able to work in the textile factory for a limited period of time. This daughter left her own son with her parents (the spouse) because she could not take care of him due to working hours in the factory and her brother’s care. She sends her parents 15 USD per month for a living.
The couple lives on a piece of land owned by a cousin with their grandson. The existing hut is no longer fully inhabitable. Half of the hut is completely decayed, the other half is falling apart. In addition, the cousin would like to have his land and hut back in good time and use it for other purposes.
The couple and their children, who live in Phnom Penh, have labouriously saved some money over many years and recently bought a piece of land.
This is where we come in and we would like to give the family a small piece of security and future.
We would like to implement the following services:
- Building a house for three people – due to heavy rainfall during the rainy season, the land is difficult to access, so the building of the house will only be possible at the beginning of the dry season. To protect the house, the land must first be filled up with soil, about 20 trucks (1 truck / 6 m3 of soil for 7.50 USD). Subsequently, construction material is supplied and the building is carried out independently by the family and helpers from the surrounding area.
- WaSH (Latrine, BSF, rainwater collection system), the family also commits itself to contribute to the implementation and sustainability of the WaSH programme (Latrines – digging the hole themselves, BSF – participating in training courses)
- 3 sleeping sets (mosquito nets and mats)
- 1 Kitchen set (pots, pans, cutlery, etc.)
- Vitamin package
- 100 kg rice
- Package of cooking ingredients (sauces, spices)
- Chicken farm (5 chickens and 1 cock)
- The community also wants to support the project with 20 zinc plates.
Project coordinates: 12.9702, 103.0496
Date: November 29, 2017
Status: Project completed
Sponsor: Kleine Hilfsaktion e.V.