PPG – Ponds, Pumps and Gardens

Creating reliable sources of food and water for one of the poorest and underdeveloped regions of the world – this is the current goal of the pond project “Ponds, Pumps and Gardens” of the Kleine Hilfaktion e. V.

Water and food shortages are commonplace in northern Cambodia. Lakes formed during the rainy season quickly decline due to the high temperatures and end up in small puddles and dry soils. Deeply dredged ponds, which survive the dry season, allow for a better infrastructure, access to water and the cultivation of food on a reliable basis. The pond serves as a source of water for local farmers to irrigate their fields and provide water for their animals. Fish colonies living in the pond and the possibility of growing organic vegetables directly around the pond, which is bought by the local partner organisation “Bareebo” at fair prices, help them to obtain a reliable source of food and economic independence. A total of 104 ponds are to be built. The project thus provides for 34 villages and many thousands of inhabitants in northern Cambodia. The construction of a pond with surrounding fields and an infrastructure as well as the corresponding training of the villagers costs about 1,000 Euro. We would like to finance 104 such pond projects in 2016/17 years. To ensure that this can be achieved, we have submitted a funding application to the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) with a total volume of 104,000 euros. The chances for a permit are good, as we have already worked successfully with the BMZ on our village project Chy Hong I and II. A quarter of the total costs – i. e. 26,000 euros – must be raised by the association Kleine Hilfaktion e. V. through donations.


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