Children’s hospices / social initiatives

We have been involved in children’s hospice work in Germany for several years now. Admittedly only on a very small financial scale. We, the khA e.V., have neither the necessary infrastructure nor the knowledge to help the affected children and their parents to cope with one of the worst fates. However, we consider it our task to at least financially support the admirable work of children’s hospices in Germany.

Even though this financial commitment (made every year within the scope of Biker4Kids) was very small in the past with about € 1.000,-, we plan to significantly increase this financial support and thus the options of the many volunteers and salaried helpers.

The support of the children’s hospices will become an integral part of our new fundraising idea. We plan to organize so-called “sponsored walks” with hopefully countless schools in Germany. Most of you probably know these from your school days.

30% of the donations received are earmarked to support this difficult task of the children’s hospices. We hope that many schools will participate and that many individual sponsors will support the kilometres/rounds of the students.

Also, apart from the planned sponsor runs we will continue and in the future increase our support for the great and utterly important work of the children’s hospices. Even if we cannot change the bad fate of the children and the parents, perhaps we can make their difficult journey a little easier.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks to all those who have dedicated themselves to this admirable and incredibly important work and, of course, to all those who follow our appeal for donations. Please help us to help!


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