Shades of Hope Tanzania
At the moment we are in Tanzania and are looking at a small project of two locals. The school is called “Shades of Hope”, eight orphans live here permanently and 46 additional children come to school every day. The standard of accommodation/school is incredibly low. Contrary to the level of teaching. We have been living here for four days to get a real impression of the daily routine of the children – unbelievable. The cockroaches and a little mouse in our room already have names… =).
The feeling of security here in Tanzania is about 1,000 times higher than in Kenya. We don’t feel well in Kenya. Behind walls and barbed wire (usual for tourists and NGO´s in Kenya) we cannot and do not want to work.
I wouldn’t work/sleep in Kenya in a little town like we are here in Tanzania, about 300 m away from the garbage dump… well, everyone can do different.
Yesterday was the birthday of the small NGO registered here, because it has only been working officially since 14.8.2017. Exactly on this “birthday” we have promised our help.
The local government of Arusha, the second largest city in Tanzania, demands separate toilets, or rather appropriate toilets and a separate “kitchen”. The two have already started and are moving from cement bag to cement bag, as far as the financial situation allows it. They both work in large hotels as managers and spend about a third of their meagre salary each month on their heart project. They lived on water and cornmeal for two years during their own studies and collected the discarded fish heads of the tourists in order to be able to take in some vitamins. Even bananas and other fruits are sometimes not completely eaten and…… o.k., they want to help as many children as possible, who would otherwise have no chance to escape the devil’s crust of educational poverty. We believe that this commitment must be supported and we now want to make the step to a functioning toilet facility possible. Otherwise, the local government will close this project in the short term and at least the eight orphans will lose their homes. We have therefore closed the financial gap of 800 €uro still on site.
Date: 26. August 2019
The aim of Last Hope Disaster Relief and the Kleine Hilfsaktion was to make the water independent and safe supply for the 54 children. It was only possible to reactivate the old well thanks to the specific donation by Last Hope. It was deepened from 31 to 60 m and equipped with an electric pump. This, the associated piping and a 5,000L water tank were the prerequisites for the overall project (sanitary facilities, kitchen fittings, water supply, etc.) to function holistically as a supply system. We would like to thank our Austrian partner Last Hope and all other donors and organisations who made this project possible.
Date: 01. May 2019
Open project approaches:
- 20 of the 54 children already have a school uniform. A school uniform, especially for children in the Third World, is an important identification feature that increases the motivation to attend school. We would therefore like to ensure that all children receive a uniform school uniform.
Required budget 782 €uro
Project coordinates: -3.426533, 36.667042
Projects / Details
34 school uniform
Status: Sponsors wanted
Budget: 782 €
Sponsor: –
Completion of sanitation and kitchen
Status: Project completed
Budget: 800 €
Sponsor: kleine Hilfsaktion e.V.
Deepening of the existing well
Status: Project completed
Budget: 1.380 €
Sponsor: Last Hope Katastrophenhilfe
2 bunk beds
Status: Project completed
Budget: 460 €
Sponsor: Kleine Hilfsaktion e.V.