Supported children’s hospices and initiatives in Germany

The fate of the children’s hospice lacks any explanation. We support the wonderful and devoted work of the many children’s hospices in Germany. With your donation we finance activities and meaningful acquisitions in order to pave the way for the children and the parents concerned.

Supported children’s hospices and initiatives in Germany

  1. Children’s Hospice Association, Düsseldorf
    2023: € 5.000,-
    2022: € 5.000,-
    2019: € 5.000,-
    2018: € 5.000,-
    2017: € 750,-
  2. Initiative „Ruinengarten“, Neuss
    2018: € 1.000,-
  3. Menschen helfen Menschen e.V., Eitorf
    2017: € 1.000,-


Status: Sponsors ongoing wanted
Budget: 10.000 €
Sponsor: kleine Hilfsaktion e.V., Biker 4 kids, Sponsors ongoing wanted