Emergency Background Projects for KSS Students

The Kleine Hilfsaktion e.V. has been financing the KSS-School in Kandieng for 7 years now. This school was born out of an idea and only became possible because the old buildings of the State School in Kandieng were made available to us.

Our KSS school is supposed to provide the material that the state school does not provide because of poorly paid teachers, a dilapidated curriculum and cancelled lessons. The exams are the same for all children in Cambodia and can only be passed if additional lessons can be taken in the afternoon against payment.

This is exactly where our school concept comes in. The KSS school only accepts children from families who have to live below a very low financial level. These families cannot afford additional lessons and the children have no chance to break out of the vicious circle of (educational) poverty without the KSS. These families are often so poor and poorly positioned that the children cannot come at times because they have to look after sick family members or simply do child labour so that the family has enough to eat.

Emergency background projects for KSS pupils

With a new emergency concept, we would like to strengthen the family background of the KSS pupils and thus give the children the opportunity to take advantage of the free lessons offered by our KSS.

We have therefore filtered out the 50 most difficult cases from the already poor 190 families who can send their children to the KSS. Since we want to help these 50 families individually as the tour destination of the Fundriding-Roller-Tour in Nov/Dec 2019, we have selected two of these families as test projects and have already worked on them as examples.

So we are looking for a sponsor for each of the following two emergencies:

Emergency Project I:

Our first emergency family theoretically sends two children to our KSS school in the afternoon. It is the 16 year old Pheav Sophy Year 9 and her 13 year old brother who attends the 7th Year. Unfortunately, the brother can hardly come due to a strong allergy. The family does not have the money to have the allergy examined and to take countermeasures if necessary. The family consists of five family members, mother (38) – seamstress, she earns 1 – 1.5 $ per day, father (42), diabetic – building trade 6 – 6.5 $ per day, grandma (67), she sells cakes, a negligible amount, which she thereby contributes.

The land and the sparse hut belong to them. They get water from the neighbours, who only charge $5 a month for it. There is a latrine and even electricity for light. Everything is in a very bad and even for local conditions, simple and bad condition.

The son is often ill, so that mother has to take care of him in the morning and cannot do her job. His sister has to look after the sick brother in the afternoon and can therefore not attend classes at the KSS.

We now want to change this situation and give both children the opportunity to follow the lessons in the KSS.

Our emergency aid plan:

  • Basic food package
  • Examination of the brother in a good hospital in Siem Reap, so that the allergy can be determined and healing measures can be initiated.
  • In this context, the costs for transport, accommodation and meals during the stay at the hospital for son and mother will be covered.
  • Payment for the extra lessons for 6 months so that the two children can get back on track.
  • The water bought by the neighbours is not drinkable without further ado. Therefore, we want to install a 4,000 litre rainwater collection system for the family, with a bio-sand filter and an additional hygiene training course.

The costs for this emergency project amount to € 313,- and should be borne by a potential supporter once. We are looking forward to hearing from you and to giving the two children a better future.

Project coordinates: 12.586405, 103.960405

Emergency Project II:

The second emergency family should be the background of the 15-year-old Sophorn. Although she is already 15 years old, she only attends the 5th grade. She can only attend rarely and is at least strongly behind in terms of education. The family also consists of five family members. The grandmother is 69, she is blind and therefore cannot contribute to the family’s livelihood. The mother (41) already suffers from a stronger dementia. She still collects garbage on the street for sale and does laundry for neighbours. On such an 8-10 hour day, she only earns $2 a day. The uncle is 48 years old and doesn’t take care of the family’s problems. But he contributes at least $ 50,- per month. Her sister is 20 and helps out in the neighbour’s mini shop and gets $ 2,-/day for it.

At least the cottage and the property belong to the family. They own some concrete containers in which they collect rainwater that they use for all their needs. In the dry season, however, these containers are empty. The family then uses and drinks the water from a nearby pond, which becomes increasingly overgrown during the dry season. The family does not have a toilet / latrine … the nearby field is the only sanitary facility. The demented mother makes a very unkempt impression. In addition to the health and hygiene problems, the family has to struggle with flooding of the entire area (up to 50 cm high) during the rainy season. We want to help, so that at least the 15-year-old Sophorn gets a minimum of education. Therefore, we have to strengthen the family background. Our planned measures are looking for a sponsor.

These are in detail:

  • Basic food package
  • Construction of a latrine, some building materials lying around unused
  • Initial equipment Latrine (WC cleaner, bucket, toilet brush)
  • Basic hygiene package (washing powder, soap)
  • water filters
  • Basic package clothes for the family
  • Payment for the extra lessons for 6 months so that the two children can get back connected.
  • The cost of this emergency project is € 353,-.

Project Coordinates:12.581840, 103.954536

Date: 05 June 2019


Emergency Project I

Status: Project completed!
Budget: € 313,-
Sponsor: Last Hope Disaster Relief

Emergency Project II

Status: Projekt completed
Budget: € 353,-
Sponsor: Last Hope Disaster Relief

Emergency Project I

Emergency Project II