A solar system for 260 girls in Kenya
Carefully prepared and now underway for the first time, our first project in Africa. As is well known, the kHA is mainly involved in Cambodia and in children’s hospice work in Germany. For many, Africa is synonymous with poverty and underdevelopment. However, since it makes no sense to simply travel to Africa and practise wild actionism there, it required a concrete project, with meaning and a basis based on trust and professionalism. Otherwise, all financial aid would quickly evaporate and become part of the large number of aid projects that help corruption more than the target group.
The first project is in Kenya, a girls’ school of a friend of Roland, who has lived in Kenya for about 5.5 years. It is a showcase school at a very high local level. All facilities have also been carefully considered and sustainably constructed. However, the necessary power supply is very far away. What else, apart from a solar system, would make sense? The small German organisation “SupEdu e.V.” has already been able to raise about a third of the funds for this, but its possibilities for fundraising are limited from Kenya. This small German development aid organisation is headed by Astrid Güldenpfennig and created the “SimbaWake Academy” out of nothing. With this project she is doing a great and super committed job, which counteracts the biggest cause of almost every developing country – educational poverty.
Of course we cannot simply promise an amount of € 11.900,- without personally having a look at the conditions and the structures on site. Since we are newcomers to our work in Africa and did not want to expose the kHA e.V. to any project risks, we (Nadine Urbansky and Roland Debschütz) have personally paid 50% of the flight costs and 50% are paid by the kHA e.V. . All other costs of the trip (with the exception of the visa of 2 x € 50,- ) we both bear privately.
The school is now designed for 260 students and prepared for the increase with our help. Up to now “only” about 50 places were available, although most of the students are so-called boarding students, who sleep there. The journey would be too far and dangerous and many simply don’t have a real home. Graduates of this school have no real risk for the future and help to get the educational machinery going. In addition, it is not really possible for girls without education to escape oppression. Educated women are an important pillar for almost all developing countries, needing to be strengthened. Because one thing is for sure the girls of today are the mothers of tomorrow!
Open project approaches:
- Solar pump. Due to the increase in the school capacity from approx. 50 to 260 girls, the amount of fresh water required increases accordingly. Previously, the water was pumped manually. An electric pump is urgently needed to pump the larger amount of water from a depth of 63 metres.
Required budget 15.392 €uro
Solar system
Status: Project in process
Budget: 11.900 €
Sponsor: kleine Hilfsaktion e.V.
Solar pump
Status: Sponsors wanted
Budget: 15.392 €
Sponsor: –